Shaping debate on religion in public life.

Tag Archive: The Economist

Archbishop William Temple 70th Anniversary Conference Announced

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We’re delighted to announce details of a high-profile conference marking the enduring legacy of Archbishop William Temple, seventy years after his death. ‘Reclaiming the Public Space’ will explore the role of religion in contemporary public life, asking what role can Christianity – and all faiths – play in developing a just society.

A fantastic guest list of speakers includes Prof Craig Calhoun (LSE), Prof Linda Woodhead (Lancaster) and Lord Raymond Plant (KCL).

Highlighting lived experiences and faith-based action, interactive workshops will be led by staff from the Trussell Trust, the Eden Network, Evangelical Alliance and William Temple Foundation.

The conference will be held at the People’s History Museum, Manchester on Monday 10 November, and will bring together academics, clergy, community activists, and policy makers to learn from one another.

A full programme and further details can be found on the conference page of the Foundation’s website.

Book now: Tickets are £35 with a limited number of student tickets available for just £10.

We look forward to seeing you there!


To stay up-to-date with this conference and all other William Temple Foundation activities please sign-up to our quarterly e-newsletter.


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