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A Reflection on ‘Anglican Social Theology’

by John Atherton

27 Aug 2014

William Temple’s little classic, Christianity and Social Order, was written in understandable haste in 1941 in the darkest days of the Second World War.  It was published as a Penguin […]

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This guest post is written by Dr Simon Duffy, Director of The Centre for Welfare Reform and policy advisor to the Campaign for a Fair Society. William Temple helped to found […]

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Searching for Shalom in a World at War

by Greg Smith

12 Aug 2014

When Jesus sent out his first trainee evangelists, travelling light, and living by faith, as some missionaries still do today, he advised them when accepting hospitality in new places — […]

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A guest post written by Abdul-Azim Ahmed, editor of On Religion magazine,  a current affairs publication with a focus on theology and religion. Abdul-Azim is a PhD candidate researching British […]

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In 1989 Hans Kung and David Tracy published Paradigm Change in Theology based on a symposium held at the University of Tubingen. Contributors included such high profile names as Moltmann, […]

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A timely and insightful report produced by the Church Urban Fund and Theos was launched in the House of Commons last week. Entitled Good Neighbours – How Churches help Communities […]

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Within and beyond my work at the William Temple Foundation, I am an active member of the interfaith movement in the UK and Europe. And there are many, many reasons […]

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The title is taken from the bracing, and stark, prognosis offered by Steve Chalke MBE, founder of the charity Oasis UK, as he concluded a public lecture at the University […]

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Will The Real Trojans Please Stand Up!

by John Reader

9 Jun 2014

As the controversy about certain Birmingham schools continues to rage, along with the spat in cabinet which is in danger of diverting attention from the deeper issues, it is worth […]

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A guest blog post written by Julian Bond, Director of the Christian Muslim Forum.   How should Christians relate to Muslims? Are they a problem, unwelcome, a threat? Recently there […]

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